Dwell in His Shelter


Psalm 91

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.” PS 91:1-2

Most High God,

You are awesome and amazing! We will find out shelter in you and only your presence! Your shadow covers us in goodness and mercy. May we always remember your ultimate love for us!

Lord, we put our total trust in you. Although we sin, we trust in your goodness and love in our savior Jesus. Thank you for forgiving our sins and bringing us into your presence through His sacrifice.

Thank you good and gracious Father for always being exactly what we need. Thank you for keeping us safe and bringing us an amazing school year. Thank you for teacher, helpers, parents, first responders, and all those that love and care for us so much!

God in whom we trust, be with all those that need your healing. Bring them full restoration. Be with those who need pace and comfort. Thank you for families and others you work through that bring peace and comfort. We ask for protection from the evil one now and always.

In your powerful name we pray, Amen!


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