You will not Fear!

 "You will not fear the terror of night,

    nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday." Psalm 91:5-6

Dear Father,
You are the God of all and the creator of the universe. You created us in your image and therefore we will not fear. The darkness has no power of you. The armies of this world and the devil bow to you. You are our awesome God and we put our praise and trust in you and you alone!

Father, protect us from our sin and self-doubt. Forgive us for our sins and daily shortcomings. Forgive us for not always following your commands. Lord we believe in the saving power of your love and your Son Jesus. We thank and praise you for your gracious grace and forgiveness.

Thank you good, good Father for all of your protection and faithfulness. Thank you for guarding us against the devil and his snares. Thank you for loving us mightily and eternally!

Heavenly Father continue to be with everyone at St. John's. Bless us and our ministry. Heal those that need healing from every sickness of body, soul, and mind. Guard our community against the world and the devil. We love you Father, Son and Holy Spirit!



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