
Showing posts from 2017

Glory to God

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,      and on earth peace  to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14 God and Father in Heaven, To you we give all glory for you are the only God in all of creation. Thank you for all you do for us each day and throughout our lives. You brought peace to earth through your Son. Thank you for your love and salvation. God you had favor on us. Through your Son you showed the ultimate love and mercy on your people of yesterday and today. Thank you for your favor and mercy. Without your love we would be love. We love you Father! Father, in your mercy, heal those in our midst who are sick and in need of healing. Especially be with Mrs. Warkeke and Mrs. Barber. Heal them quickly Lord! All of the heavens rejoiced in the birth of your Son. We too rejoice with the angel chorus as we celebrate your Son coming to earth as a baby. Thank you for your Son's birth, life, death and resurrection. We love you Jesus! Amen!

Faithful Promises

"And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age,  was enabled to bear children  because she [ b ]  considered him faithful  who had made the promise." Hebrews 11:11 Dear Eternal Father, You are forever faithful! We praise and thank you that even in the face of adversity, you remain faithful. Sarah, even at an old age, had a child that was a decedent of your Holy Son. You fulfilled your promise through her and we are forever grateful! Since Adam we have been stuck in our sinful flesh. We ask for forgiveness for all those things we have done and all those things we have thought that are contrary to your good and faithful purpose. May you forever shine through our darkest nature. Father we are thankful for all that you give us. From the food that we eat to the clothes that we wear, you are there providing for every circumstance. Thank you for your Word that is proclaimed daily at St. John's and for all those faithful servants who preach and teach your Wo...

Coming of the King

" So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem  the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David." Luke 2:4 Jesus our King, From long ago you promised to save your people. In the fullness of time you came to earth to save us, who you loved. We praise you for your goodness and mercy and eagerly await your second coming. May we continually praise you, especially during this Advent time as we wait to celebrate your birth. Through the line of David you kept your promise to come to earth. Even though we are not worthy, you came anyway. Forgive us as we sin against you. Help us to resist temptation and always look to you instead of the world for our help. We give you all the glory and thanksgiving for all that is good in our lives, Jesus. Thank you for a safe Thanksgiving holiday and thank you for always watching out for us.  Please continue to be with all of those that sick and hurting. Especially be with Mrs. Wa...


"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him  must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6 Dear Father God, In your awesome time and place you worked faith in the people of old to look forward in faith to the Savior Jesus. As your people now, we look back and the awesome gift and atoning sacrifice in Jesus. Thank you for providing for your people then and now in such a loving and generous way! Just like Enoch had faith that set him apart, we pray that through your Holy Spirit you would also place that faith in our hearts. Strengthen and nourish our faith in such a way that allows us to see you and go to you in every situation! Lord we ask that you be with those in our community who are hurting and seeking your healing hand. Be with them. Give them peace and heal them as is your will. Lord, please show your mighty hand of healing in them! Thank you for all our blessings now and ever!...

Confidence and Hope

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for  and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 Father, Source of all goodness and mercy, be with us, poor and lowly creatures. May you be our only fountain and source of all that we need. Help us to solely rely on you. You have placed faith in our hearts and for that we are grateful! Help us to always remain faithful to you and you only. As we teach the faith here at St. John's, help us to remain faithful to your Word always. Father, please be with all those who are experiencing health problems. There are many in our midst Lord that need your healing powers. Let your will be done that they may experience healing and good health. Lord we look to you for all that is good. Thank you for Jesus, the ultimate source of goodness and mercy! We love you Jesus! Amen!

From Everlasting to Everlasting!

"Praise be to you,  Lord ,      the God of our father Israel,      from everlasting to everlasting." I Chronicles 29:10 Dear Father, All praise is due to you for your great and glorious love for us! You are our father and we owe you everything. Thank you for never forgetting us or forsaking us. Thank you for your power and grace in our lives! We thank you Father for your love in our lives, but we know that we are sinful and need you. Help us to confess our sins to you and seek you in our lives. May we always look to Jesus instead of to the world for help. In the midst of the darkest days, you are the light. Please be the light for our entire community. Be with those who are experiencing trials and hurt. Be with our teachers who need healing and grant them recovery. Help our students and families who may be sick or hurting. May your power always shine through us, your children. We thank you for your might deeds and outstretched ar...

Increase our Faith!

" The apostles   said to the Lord,   “Increase our faith!” 6  He replied,  “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,  you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you." Luke 17:5-6 Dear Father, Just as the Disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith, we come to you with the same plea. Our sin-soaked world wants to push you away, but we desire you to be close to us. Send your Holy Spirit to increase our faith so that we might always remember your great love for us. Sometimes our faith is weak. You said that faith can move mountains. Let our trust in you abound greatly and always be a part of everyday life. May we be a beacon or light to others so they might draw close to you. Thank you Lord for safety and prosperity. We pray that you would continue to be with those recovering from the fires. Help homes to be rebuilt and lives to be restored. Be with those at St. John's who are struggling in mind and ...


"Then Jesus said to Simon,  “Don’t be afraid;  from now on you will fish for people.”   11  So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him." Luke 5:10b-11 Dear Lord Jesus, Just as you can confidence to so many people during your days on earth, your people look to you now for confidence, peace and safety. Our hearts are not pure like yours, but fill our hearts with your Holy Spirit that we might leave our fears and apprehensions behind and follow you with our whole being. Jesus, even your disciples had times when they were afraid and confused. With so many tragedies happening in the world, we are afraid and confused. Help us to find YOU in all of those happenings and see your good grace and help in every trying and difficult situation. You are the only source of goodness and mercy, let our eyes always see that. Jesus, we THANK YOU for your divine providence and protection over us with the fires last week. We praise and thank you that ...


"Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10 Dear Father, Creator: You are a marvelous God who reigns above all things. From the beginning of time you were there as the creator and source of all goodness and wisdom. May we be bold and put our entire faith and trust in you. For you created the heavens and the earth and all things in it, including us. You look past or sin and shame because of your Son's perfect sacrifice. May we trust you completely for all health, healing, happiness and eternal life with you. You knew from the beginning that we would need a Savior. In the goodness of time you sent your only Son to die on a cross, even though he was perfect. May we always remember that perfect sacrifice and ever-praise you for your love and mercy. Father we have many needs and we trust you completely to take care of those needs. Please bring healing to those how need it. Please bring assurance to those ...

Power of Prayer in Christ

This is the confidence  we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. I John 5:14 Dear Heavenly Father, Creator and Lord of lords, as you hold the world in your hand you also hold us in your heart. We praise you for your goodness and mercy you provide us. Thank you for taking care of us even though we don't deserve it. Only your all-powerful, all-loving nature could provide for us like this and we are ever-blessed by you! Father, we do not know how to pray without your Spirit and help. Please dwell in our hearts so that we can boldly pray for our needs and the needs of others. Help us to pray in confidence in your and your power. Father, please be with Linda Warneke and boldly heal her. Be with the doctors and family members who are caring for her. We boldly ask for her healing and health. Father, please be with all those who are hurting from the tragedy in Las Vegas. We cannot understand the reasons for this, but please give us p...

Demonstrated Love

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 Dear Jesus, Your love has no depth. It is so deep we cannot imagine it, but we love you for it and are in awe of it! Your power over death is in your great love for us, your children. How wonderful to be a child of God! Although you love us without end, we are sinful and do not deserve it. Praise and honor to you for covering our sin with your blood and loving us still! Salvation is love and we are forever grateful. Thank you Jesus, Prince of Peace, of the peace and tranquility you provide to us here at St. John's. Although there is much strife in the world, you have provided peace. Thank you for that peace and love and protection always! Jesus, please be with all those how mourn the loss of loved ones. Be with those who are sick and keep your healing touch. You know all needs and turn them all over to you, Lord, great King of all. In your holy name ...

Faith is Confidence!

" Now faith is confidence in what we hope for  and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 Dear Father, We know that you are the giver of faith and we have confidence in that gift of faith because all good things come from you. Thank you for your gift of faith and the assurance that you will always be with us through any life circumstance or hardship. Father, we often have a hard time remaining confident in you because of the sin and corruption of the world. Strengthen our faith in you so that we can live the confident life you have prepared for us. Also keep us confident in your promise of eternal life through your Son Jesus. Be with St. John's and our students as we use the MAP Growth testing these next two weeks. Help the students remain calm and confident in their learning. Let the testing be edifying to you and our families. As the Great Physician, please continue to be with those in our community who are sick and of failing health. Bring healing ...

Live by Faith

"Th e r ighteous person  will live by his faithfulness." Habakkuk 2:4 Dear Father, Father and creator of all, we praise you for your good and gracious gifts to us! You give us daily food and drink, but also gifts that do not even know we need. Thank you for always giving us what we need at just the right time! We praise you for your gift of faith. You were faithful to your first creation and continue to be ever-faithful even today. Thank you for the heroes of the faith that have gone before us. May we learn from them, yet always rely solely on you! Father, please be with all those individuals who were in the path of hurricane Irma. Be with them to keep them safe, even though the storm has passed. Give them strength and courage always. Continue to be with those affected by hurricane Harvey, as well. Help with the clean up and recovery of all victims of natural disaster around the world. Thank you for St. John's Lutheran Church and School. Help us to continue to b...

The Gift

"But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man,  how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ,  overflow to the many!" Romans 5:15 Dear Jesus, Your gift of grace and salvation is the best gift we could ever receive! In your awesome time and power you came to the world to live a perfect life for us. All praise and glory to you for your love and gift of salvation. Lord our sins are many. Help us in our times of temptation and trial. Let us put trust in you and you alone and forget about the offers from Satan. Help us to know that you offer forgiveness of those sins through your grace. Let your forgiveness dwell deeply in our souls and may we forever praise you for that gift. Thank you Lord for a restful and extended weekend. May we come back to school rested and refreshed! Thank you for a successful beginning of the school year. Thank you for our families we serve and our teac...

The Gift of Grace!

" But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man,  how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ,  overflow to the many!" Romans 5:15 Dear Jesus, Through you we have been saved! Through you, we have life eternal! Through you, we have freedom from fear! Thank you for the salvation that you so freely gave through your grace. May we always be grateful for the sacrifice you gave freely for us. Lord Jesus, you lived and died and rose again for us, may we remember all that you did for us and do for others in such a giving way. You have blessed us with much, so let us give to others a portion of what you have given to us. Help us be generous with our time, talents and resources. Lord of the universe, please be with all of the flood  victims in Texas. May the rain stop and the waters recede. Keep those affected safe. Keep the first responders safe and in your care. Help the recove...

Saved by Grace through Faith!

"Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish! We don’t play the major role. If we did, we’d probably go around bragging that we’d done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing." Ephesians 2:7-10 MSG Dear Father, We know that in all things, You have great plans for us. The greatest plan for us is the salvation you brought to us through your Son, Jesus. Thank you for the saving grace that brings us to eternity with you and that it is freely given! God your Word says, "We don't play the major role." Help us step back and let You take the lead. Lead us...

School Year Beginning!

Dear Father, Thank you for a week where the teachers of St. John's come back to campus! As we eagerly begin to prepare for school on Friday, may we first start with you. Help us to focus only on you as we thinking about how best to share your message with them. Lord God, help us to reach those who have not yet heard the sweet message of your saving grace. Our world is in such need for your Son Jesus. May St. John's be a light to the world and a beacon of hope to our community Father, be with our teachers and their families as they transition back into the routine of school. May their hearts be filled with joy, peace and patience as school beginnings can be kind of crazy. Send your peace over our families and let your power and grace abound in and through us! We pray this all in your holy and precious name. Amen!

Summer Blessings!

"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8 Dear Father, You have blessed us abundantly in so many ways! We thank you for your continued provision and grace among us. Throughout the summer we look for rest and relaxation in your name so that we can recharge and rejuvenate our minds, bodies and spirits. Lord we ask that you would continue to send your blessings upon us in the way of more students to impact your kingdom! St. John's has been a part of the community and sharing Christ and we ask that we become an even greater blessing to our community. Give us wisdom and guidance in this endeavor. Father, please give our faculty, staff and families your divine protection as they continue with travels. May your hand guide them in safety and security. We thank you for your divine grace and forgiveness, Lord! May we be ever mindful of the great sa...

Summer Blessings!

" For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him." Colossians 1:16 Dear Father, Creator: Through you all things have been created and all things will be created. You are an awesome God that saw fit to bring us into this world and create us in your image. We thank you for your providence and protection over us in all ways. As we celebrate VBS this week, thank you for teaching us that all things are created by you, in you and through you for your  purpose! Thank you for bringing so many children and adults into your presence for worship and learning. Thank you for the hearts touched and moved in your name! May those who have attended VBS have the seed of your love planted in their hearts be moved to act on that seed and grow in your gifts and spirit. May St. John's be a place of growth and connection to you! Dear Lord, ...

End of the Year!

Dear Heavenly Father, Your goodness and graciousness has overflowed on St. John's Lutheran School this year! Thank you Father for all of your many blessings and your care and protection on the school. Without you, we would  be nothing. Help us to keep you at the center of our lives today and always. Please be with all of our students, parents and teachers over the summer. Keep them safe and secure and give them peace and relaxation. Be with and bless all those requests below: Continued academic growth over the summer Safety for all our families Continued growth for the school to reach out into the community Safety and relaxation for our teachers Safety and relaxation for all school staff Thank you for sending your son into the world to save us from our sins! Thank you for the renewing and refreshing of our spirits through your sacrifice. We love you Jesus! Amen!

Principal for the Day - Prayer

Dear Lord, Thank you for a great school year that is coming to an end. Thank you for blessing this school with outstanding teachers and staff. And help us to end the school year right and well with good choices. Amen! By: Principal for the Day, Abbie Prather

Thanksgiving and Prayer

"15  For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus  and your love for all God’s people,   16  I have not stopped giving thanks for you,  remembering you in my prayers." Ephesians 1:15-16 Dear Heavenly Father, You are the fountain and source of all goodness. Praise to you for your love for us and all creation. In your creation you show your goodness and power and we are forever thankful for your providence over us and working good for us through all circumstances. We thank you for the gift of salvation, the gifts of family and the gift of school. At St. John's we can marvel in all three of those wonderful gifts! Thank you for the many blessings we see and participate in each day as the school year winds down. Thank you for the families who come to celebrate, the students to are excited and the teachers who plan and execute the fun! Dear Father, please be with all of those who are sick and need your healing hand. Be with those who ...

Called and Loved!

" And we know that in all things God works for the good   of those who love him, who [ a ]   have been called   according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 Father in Heaven, In all things, Lord, you work for our good. Thank you for your love and kindness and mercy, even in our weakness. You have called us out of the darkness of sin by your goodness and mercy and we are ever-thankful that we get to live in that love forever. Father, thank you for the many parents that helped out with track and field day this week! Without our parents we could not have the kind of education we have. Thank you for providing us with great families and parents! Be with those who are sick and needing care. Help heal them and bring them back to health. Especially be with those who have lost loved ones. Help them in their grief with the assurance of everlasting life in you. Thank for your Son and sending him to heal our sin-sickness! We pray this all in Jesus name! Amen!

Our Good Shepherd

“I am  the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11 Dear Shepherd, Praise to you Lord Jesus for going before us to prepare a place for us in heaven. Because of your perfect life, death and resurrection, you have prepared the pasture for us to enter through you: our gate to everlasting life. May we ever look to you to find our way. We come like humble sheep before you and ask for forgiveness for our sins. We have gone astray and seek the Shepherd, you, to lead us through this valley of sin. May we ever seek your light. Thank you Lord Jesus for your Word and Sacrament that beings us close to you. We especially thank you for the many individuals who were baptized over the weekend. We pray that your Holy Spirit would dwell boldly in them and us. Thank you also for your protect over the 8th grade class trip. Thank you for getting everyone there and back safely. Please grant everyone health and vitality in these final weeks of the sch...

Burning Hearts

“Were not our hearts burning within us  while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures  to us?” Luke 24:32 Dear Risen Lord, Praise to you Jesus as you continue to triumph over death and the grave! In this joyous Easter time, may we continually remember that we are saved only through your name and your sacrifice. Just as the disciples hearts burned as you spoke and unfolded the Scriptures to them, let our hearts burn to know you more. May we serve you with our whole body and soul so to bring you to the nations more and more. Lord please be with our 8th grade students, families and teachers as they are in Washington DC and New York City this week. May their minds be filled with history and knowledge. May their actions show you to other around them. Please keep them safe throughout the entire trip. Thank you Jesus for spring and flowers and beautiful weather around us. We are thankful that we live in such a wonderful place of beauty! We love you Jesus! ...

He is Risen!

6 " He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.  Come and see the place where he lay." Matthew 28:6 Dear Risen Lord, We praise you for your resurrection and the eternal life you bought with your suffering and death. Easter morning has come and has declared, yet again, that you are king of all. We praise and thank you for the great debt you have paid for us all so that we can sit before your throne in glory some day. Thank you Jesus for the love you showed, even when dying on the cross. Thank you for your triumph over death. Thank you for everlasting life with you! Help us to be ever thankful for the daily bread you provide for us each day and how much it cost you. Thank you Lord for the Easter break here at St. John's. I pray that you would keep all our students and families safe and bring them back rested and rejuvenated! Please be with us in the busy last months of schools and give us peace and comfort in all circumstances. Thank you for your many, many ble...